
Registration of IP gives us Legal protection. Registration enables you to protect your core business and the businesses’ intangible assets.


IP Management is a system to manage and monitor the intellectual or intangible assets of the Company.


Valuation is a process of determining the monetary value associated with an intellectual property asset.


Possession of mere ideas won’t generate any value. Value shall be created when these ideas or inventions can be transformed into an object for commercialization that means available for selling or buying of it.


Like an IP Management Strategy, an effective IP enforcement strategy shall create an additional protection and security layer for the IP assets of the business.


The worldwide value of intangible assets grew from USD 61 trillion in 2019 to USD 74 trillion in 2021, according to the Brand Finance Global Intangible Finance Tracker.


Cyber law, also known as Internet Law is the part of the overall legal system that is related to legal informatics and supervises the digital circulation of information, e-commerce, software, and information security.


One World.. One Internet is the credo of ICANN not One Domain for all businesses.


Intellectual property Rights and innovative technologies are significant assets for the businesses now these are not simply legal rights.


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